這一件藝術品由若干大大小小的鏡面燈箱組成,裝置於曲橋旁的草地上。白晝時,作品上呈現的是以鹽水地區花草植物為主體的繁花(華)景象,藝術家先蒐集這一帶的植物,透過影像、描繪形式置於燈箱頂部。同時,燈箱下方的四周鏡面,可以反射出草地、河水和觀眾移動的身影,可說是不依靠機械動力、但卻有互動效果的裝置藝術。夜晚時,作品內部的 LED 燈則會穿透表面的花草意象以及四邊鏡面,閃爍出如五彩珍珠、滿天星斗之光彩。
This work is made from variety sizes of specular light boxes and locates on the grass land by Twist Bridge. In the day time, this work shows the picture of flowers and plants in Yenshui. The artist used the image of the local plants she collected and place the images on the top of the light boxes. The mirrors of four sides of the light boxes can reflect the grass, the river and the movement of people at the meantime. This installation does not rely on mechanical power but can interact with people. In the night time, the LED lights inside will transmit the flowers image and the mirrors of four sides and shine like the colorful pearls and numerous stars in the sky.