滿江漁火是月津港最美的夜景,聚波亭內的吟遊詩人是昔時港邊最優雅的人文采風。今日藉著橋上懸於空中的元宵燈火,重現昔日波光粼粼、漁火相輝映的迷人晚潮。潮起潮落,港中湧浪彼時近此時遠,像條地上銀河,神秘卻一眼難忘。此一玄河意象也表現在此作品中, 整件作品運有橋樑原有鋼構再加新架構,層層疊出鹽水河岸風景。清吹冬風,歇息河港上,駐足在此的你也將同當年的文人為美景沉醉。曾伴著古人的美麗月津港,在此時也遇見了我們。
The river filled with lots of light from the fishing boat is the most beautiful night view at Yuejing Port. The poets gathered together in the Jupo Arbor to read poems was the most elegant Cultural Splendor in the past. This time, by hanging lanterns in the air, the artist tries to regain the sparkling and the charming evening tide. Tide up and tide down. Wave suddenly near or far, just like the galaxy on the ground, is very mysterious but unforgettable. The artist adds the new structure on the original steel bridge to stack layers of scenery on Yenshui banks. Visitors are invited to take a rest on the banks with winter wind. The people who stop by here will be obsessed with this fantastic view portrayed in the poets. The Yuejing Port presenting the ancient time are also witnessing the history with us now.