這些比人還高的花朵正在月津港四處盛開,熱烈的散發祥瑞之光。除了眼前這一組,其他的祈光花也「生長」至修德拜亭前方, 觀眾不妨找一找在哪裡。
“The Beautiful Flower and Full Moon” represent good luck in Chinese festivals. Tainan is known to the world for its exotic orchids. Thus, the artist creates the flowers that symbolize Chinese Lunar New Year- the Light Blooms. Skillfully using the common media in daily life as the material of the Light Blooms, the artist created the flowers with white plastic water buckets and the base with concrete. The simple materials are transformed and produced with skillful techniques to create the Light Blooms.
The flowers higher than the body height bloom around Yuejing Port to bring good luck to everyone. In addition to this bloom, others also “grow” to the front of Shou Der Bai Temple. You are invited to find where they are.