月津港燈節行走至此, 已近尾聲。俗諺說:「天下沒有不散的筵席。」, 但每年還能依約趁著歲末年初在此相會, 已經是莫大幸福。這件作品若有似無, 將一座大型的捲軸畫框安置河岸, 鼓勵遊人駐足此處歇息觀看。藉由框景而成的動態畫面,讓對岸來去的人們成為散宴風景。其實, 觀者本身, 也成為對岸望過來的風景之一了。遠方則是鹽水街市, 你可以遙想一番八角樓、橋南老街、王爺巷、一銀巷等等優雅景緻, 更可以接著慢步走進, 實地享受鹽水風華。
When you arrive here, it is almost the end exhibition of the Yuejing Lantern Festival. As the saying goes, “All good things must come to an end.” However, we can always find the time to meet here at the end of the year. It is the true happiness. This artwork seems unrealistic. By installing a big reel frame on the river side, the artist encourages people to take a rest. By framing the view and making it a dynamic picture, people are transformed into the dispersed scenery. Actually, the viewers are also part of the scenery since they can be also viewed from the other side of the river. Yenshui Town is a little bit further, and you can imagine the beautiful sceneries such as the Octagon House, Ciaonan Old Street, Wangyeh Alley and Yiyin Alley. Just take your time and walk slowly down there to enjoy the glory of Yenshui.