電訊幻獸是遠古就存在的一種生物,能夠在白天時吸收光能轉換成自身晚上發 光的能量,但是千萬要注意千萬不要在晚間被他絢爛的光芒給吸引然後靠近,這是他們一貫的補食技倆!但是站在遠處欣賞牠為了吸引獵物而呈現的光影變化,不失為一種有趣的經驗。
Monstergram is a creature existing from ancient times. It can absorb light energy during the daytime, and then transform the energy to make itself glow at night. But do not be attracted by its brilliant light in the dark! Monstergram plays the trick to hunt. However, you get interesting experience if you stand far away and appreciate the various light and shade used to attract preys. Nearby, there is a Monstergram cub learning how to hunt. You can carefully and directly observe it.