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Tzolk’in Light

Tzolk’in Light

時間是一種藝術形式。時間並非是⽤來規範我們的,⽽是⼀系列完整且⾃然運作的能量與規則。 Tzolk’in 是馬雅曆法的基本週期,作品透過⾺雅⽉曆,重新詮釋時間的法則與⾃然運作的能量,作品在空間呈現立體視覺與聲響,表現蓄積⽣命的能量,以建構、調頻、同步、回歸四個層次來呈現起承轉合,並以馬雅⽉曆圖形標概念,透過點、線、面在三維空間的展現,喻表銀河之⾨開啟,宛如⽉亮⼀般,無盡的⿊之後,新的光亮正蓄勢待發。

Time is like a form of art. Time is not meant to regulate us, but is a holistic and natural

set of energies and rules. Tzolk’in is the basic cycle of Mayan calendar. The work

re-interprets the rules of time and the energy of natural operation through the

Mayan calendar. The work presents a stereoscopic vision and sound in space to

express the energy of stored life, and presents the transition in the four levels:

construction, frequency modulation, synchronization and regression. Through the

performances of points, lines and planes in the three-dimensional space, it applies

the concept of the Mayan calendar to symbolize the opening of the Milky Way.

Just like the moon, a new light is ready to shine through infinite darkness.





【 月之美術館遊客服務中心|月津故事館 】
‧ 週一休館
‧ 開放時間 │09:00~17:30
· 地址|臺南市鹽水區中山路23號