太陽、⽉亮、地球相對位置改變,地球人所⾒之⽉相皆不同。⽉亮完全消失當晚稱為「朔」,朔之後第一次看到如彎鉤的月光即為「新⽉」,開啟又一輪嶄新的運轉。 此作品將觀者、光源、觀看對象分佈於河道場域中,透過光源的明滅及照射,試圖重新演繹三個天體彼此間的位置及現象關係;並藉由三個樂手:圓、樹、光噪,營造出一個聲與光對話的宇宙劇場。
Due to the relative position changing of the sun, the moon and the earth, everyone on the earth sees the totally different lunar phases. The night that the moon completely disappeared is called "New Moon." After that, the one of the first crescent moonlight is called “Crescent Moon.” This work distributes the viewers, the light sources and the objects in the river field. Through the control of the light sources, this work re-interpret the position and phenomenon relationship between the three celestial objects. And with the three musicians: circle, tree and light noise, they can create a cosmic theater with dialogues of sound and light.