眼⾒為真?作品為⼀雙眼睛造型裝置,觀眾由不同視⾓,將看⾒不同形態,彷彿雙眼中同時存在滿⽉、弦⽉、與蝕⽉;裝置中央的眼球一面像漩渦般向內流動,反⾯則像湧泉般向外放射。 水霧中朦朧奇幻的眼神,在光的暈染下與觀者四目交流。
They say, “seeing is believing”. This work is an installation of a pair of eyes. The audience
will see the different forms from different perspectives, as if the full moon,
crescent moon and the lunar eclipse appear within the eyes. On the center
of the installation, there is an inward swirling on the side of the eye, and an outward artesian water feature at the back. The viewers can make eye contact with an obscure fantasy in the fog that is obscured by light. The Chinese words “月意”can form together and become “臆,” which means
“the subjective imagination.” What if the uncertainty of life and an eternity of happiness, were actually just the imaginings of people? Still, we need our imaginations, to turn the uneven surface of the moon into something special, and to appreciate a dim moon with diffuse reflections so that we can celebrate the Moon Festival. Even though Neil Armstrong has been to the moon, the world still needs Le Petit Prince…