城市斑駁的紅磚、古老的建築物有著歷史的水平線,延伸至月津港潺潺的水流中,無聲的語言 訴說著鹽 水曾經是一座繁榮且歷史悠久的城市,如同樹木般堅強、靜謐地展現這塊土地強韌的生命力。
The mottled red bricks and the ancient buildings in the city, are having the history's horizontal line. It extend into the Yuejin Port's water flow, and the silent speech is telling us, how prosperity and historic that Yanshui used to be. It just like trees, strong and quietly grow the vitality of the land.
“Sen sen bu xi” is the Chinese homophonic of “endless”, it means everything in the
universe, will live and growth in nature, forever and ever.