擁有建築設計背景的易冶團隊,以充滿幻想性的概念,讓 Y 星球降落在月津港。漂浮在水面上的雙層 PVC 的蛋型裝置,內部有多彩的燈光閃爍,也閃耀在波光嶙峋的水面上,光影變化無窮,就如同Yan-Rui Lai 春天象徵著一年之初,萬物滋長的樣態。
With rich architectural knowledge, the artists create “Planet Y” with their incredible
imagination. Planet Y is egg-shaped and PVC-based which allow it to float on the river. Planet Yalso illuminates in the darkness with its internal beaming device. The changing colors reflected on the river symbolize the blossom of spring.