水源一直都是人類生存的重要條件,一口井帶給人的是希望和未來,而傳統建築內天井也具有採光通風 增加生命延續力的功能,在此將井的元素抽離出來,運用地形斷面圖來敘述過往月津港經歷每一段歲月 繁華交疊出現今的風貌。
Water has always been the most essential source to sustain life. While a well represents the hope and future of human beings, an atrium represents the function of sustaining the lives. An atrium, which often functioned as a natural light source for the interior space was a common architectural structure in Taiwanese traditional houses. Thus, artists used it as a symbol to depict the prosperous past and the history of Yuejin Harbor.
Zhang Zhihua, Xie Yixian, Tang Jie, Zhan Zhicai, Zhuang Weiru
水上 井