明月被棄置於荒煙蔓草之間,封箱於月津港的一隅,如水般柔順,被視如敝帚。然而,只要月亮 的光澤 映入眼簾,便會顯現出那至高至美的道來;那是超越萬物,不分貴賤的純粹美學。
《Tao Te Ching》Who can of Tao the nature tell? Our sight it flies,our touch as well. Eluding sight,eluding touch,The forms of things all in it crouch.
The moon was abandoned in the wild , between the grass, sealing in the port of
Kiâm-chúi,.Not being taken seriously. However, as long as the luster of the moon greeted, it will show the Rules of the Universe; it is beyond all things, Pure beauty.