眼是視覺的器官,可以感知光線轉換為神經中電化學的脈衝。利用晶狀體聚焦,投射到視網膜產生影 像,如同月津港之於鹽水,蓄光原料如過往繁榮的景象,隨著光源在這座城市緩緩呼吸(開闔),期許更 多人能用不同的視界看到這城市與眾不同的世界。
Eyes, the organs using the lens to reflect images to retina, which can sense light and transfer it into the electrons in the nerve. The artwork covered with Luminous paint resembles the affluent history of Yuejin. As the light gently opens and closes in the city, more people might use different aspects to observe the characteristic of the city.