且使用海運箱的外觀表達將美景分享給遠方的朋友的意思。藝術家本次作品的場景是「把月亮打包 的過程」,內容敘述穿著太空服的人,在某個浩瀚無邊際的神祕空間認真的製作月亮,並且用火箭 將它寄出的故事。
Full moon can have significant spiritual effects on humankind. In Chinese culture, full moon has been a metaphor of nostalgia. The artist conveys the affectionate feeling into his work. The lawn of moon illustrates a strong wave of nostalgia and the shipping boxes represent the longings to send one’s love. The wish is going to be fulfilled because an astronomer has packed all the moons on the lawn in shipping boxes and is ready to deliver them with a rocket.