水至天而降。這秋水不是真的水,而是由動態的燈光擬態而成的光柱,緩緩流動從上而下落至地面 再濺出。光柱高低疏密,形成極為動態的視覺感;在夜晚沿著月津港的水岸河畔,一柱柱的秋水緩 緩流下、循環不止,如秋風下的落葉不停飄灑,希冀創造一個夢幻的秋境意象,讓觀賞者能體驗秋 水光澗的獨特的光境與氛圍。
Autumn is the season where leaves part with their mother tree and fall on the river. The
artwork depicts the falling movement with beams gradient that creates a vivid image of water. Also, the luminous ray designs a dynamic vision that the water gently falls then splashes when it hits the ground.
The work aims to shape a dreamy autumn scene for visitors.