複雜的平衡點。用習慣的線性描繪,將線與線組合成的面投射到作品中。藉由身體的操作以及視覺 經驗的感知,將生活中的無意識描繪具體化,此作品以綠色線條構畫出橋上的甬道空間,在春夏交 界處,四季的變換,偶而是不知不覺的,在此藝術家將原本人們鮮少注意的感知以作品作為提示, 讓觀眾打開更多的感官能量。
The correlation between space and sculpture is a philosophical status. For sculpture, space is
existence and the existence is also space.
A great sculpture is made when the artist achieves a fine balance in the variations of geometric shapes. It also shares people's daily experiences and subconscious mind. The artwork is a tunnel constructed with straight green light. The construction of the tunnel shows how the artist reaches a perfect harmony by placing the linear contours at their best positions.
The shifting of seasons is a gradual process. Therefore, the green tunnel plays the role of a time frame of the four seasons, leading visitors to acquire different emotional experiences from different seasons.