鹽水曾經風華卻因泥砂填積、港口功能漸失,如同一顆殞落的巨星,因水而生的城鎮,如何再度開創出 屬於自己的價值?在此將鹽水人轉化成水滴,透過水滴折射閃閃發亮,期許未來居民團結同心可在創造 出另外一顆璀璨之星。
Yanshui, a once flourish harbor, gradually lost its fame and function as the mud and dust accumulated in the port. Residents of Yanshui craved for bringing back the prosperity and value of this falling star. By this artwork, the artists transferred their wishes into numerous reflections on the star which resembled the cooperation of the inhabitants and the wish to revive the glamour of Yanshui.