靈感取自「春」、「花」及「月」的意象;裝置的整體架構為曲度不一的弧型金屬牙條錯落相間而成,似湧浪又似竄流的烽炮;弧型上則搭載大小不一的圓鏡,似一個個的圓月高掛空中,又似一朵朵的「鏡花」叢生恣意,有「花滿春開」之寓意;鏡面效果能反射周遭環境,與往來的車水馬龍及河畔波光 形成有趣的互動。希冀能在興隆橋這個老街入口,創造出獨特的春境意象,讓觀賞者能體驗獨特的 視境與想像
The art piece is inspired from the images of ‘Spring,’ ‘Flower,’ and ‘Moon’. Its curving metal thread constructs a waving surface like streaming beehive firecrackers. Different sizes of mirrors are set upon the curves, resembling a multitude of moons hanging in the air. “The moon of mirror”, in Chinese culture, means “blossom and fulfillment” which is the picture of spring.
Also, the reflection from the mirrors strengthens connections between environment and the artwork itself when images of traffic and river are reflected on the mirror.
The artwork with strong image of spring attempts to give visitors a refreshing visual experience as they walk by the entrance of Xing-Long Bridge.