這是場專屬於魔幻時刻的派對,陳萬仁以液晶螢幕結合竹筏裝置,讓人們在深 邃靜謐的河中游泳,影像藉著屏幕微光緩緩前進,宛如黑夜裡點點閃爍的漁 火,飄盪於喧嘩與沈靜間、悠游於永恆的時光內,招喚著既熟悉又陌生的情 感。作品與觀眾的關係時而接近時而遠離,繞織出人與人、人與世界之間的相 遇關係;因為夜太美,所以我們漫遊,沒有起始亦沒有終點,每瞬時間都是開 始,每瞬時間也都是結束。
This is a magical moment! Chen Wan-Ren utilized an LED panel and a bamboo raft for this installation, to allow people to swim in the serene river with images on the lighting screen that symbolize fishing boat lights in the dark night, floating between noise and serenity in eternity, with a mix of strange and familiar feelings. The artwork and the viewers get closer and more distant from each other from one moment to the next, mirroring the encounter between people and the world. Because the night is beautiful, we wander. This has no starting or ending point since each moment can be a start or an end.