曾經金蛇般搖曳的滿江 漁 火 映照著 月 津港,孕育著如珍的鹽水小鎮,隨著環境變遷風華不再。但澄溶溶的月光依舊以萬道 虹 光 映在粼粼 水面,依然絕代。透過輕碰彩色壓克力裝置泛起光的漣漪,與一旁月影波光瀲灩的河水互相呼應,讓⺠眾沈浸在千萬道綺麗的光芒下。
The work was inspired by the
light coruscating on the river.
It takes the form of a wavy
metal structure that carries
nearly two hundred pieces of
different tones of coloured
cast acrylic sheet. When light
passes through the acrylic
sheet, it casts colourful
shadows onto the surroundings.
And with helical extension
springs attached to the acrylic,
it gave the shadows a swaying
motion, like the shimmering
light gleamed and sparkled on
the waves.