我們以入口、穿梭,以及進入另一個時空的意象做為概念發展。當一位冒險家啟程追尋寶藏時,就已踏入了完全不同的心境世界,處處留情處處皆是寶。我們將作品設置在陸上F 區入口,藉以強化入口、 穿梭的象徵,希望觀眾通過本入口的洗禮,開啟享受尋寶樂趣的心境旅程。此作品將時間作為寶藏的要素之一,結合日晷的形象以及緩慢變動的燈光效果,隨著觀賞的過程,時間也不停的流逝,反映出不管最終收穫多少,不可抹滅的是我們都共享了這段尋寶時光。
The concept development of this artwork is based on the image of entrance, shuttle, and entering into another space-time. At the moment when an explorer starts adventure, stepping into a completely different state of mind. Everywhere has it’s miracle, everything is a treasure. The work is placed at the entrance of the upper F area, which strengthens the symbol of entrance and shuttle. Through this arrange, we hope the audience can experience the fun of treasure hunting. “Time” is a main element in our work, we combined the form of sundial and the slowly changing light effect. At the same time, time flows constantly through the whole field. Images that no matter if we gain the final harvest. It is indelible that we have all shared this treasure hunt process.