這件藝術品從正面觀賞是一個圓圈,隨著時間推移則會有水霧噴灑,感覺上像是將作品之後的景像給掩蓋了,在 LED燈光的照射下,呈現出夢幻似的月亮。然而,如果你慢慢在河岸一邊行走一邊觀賞,這個圓卻又不是一個 圓,看上去只是一 道規則的線條。由於作品裝置在水面,水上又會現身另一個月亮。然而,水月隨著波流與天氣變化,時而有時而無, 讓整件作品更加幻化。這是一件隨著時間、場域以及觀者角度甚至心裡的變化,持續改變樣貌的作品。
Viewed from the front, this artwork is shaped like a circle, representing the moon. Yet as the audience moves around the river bank its shape changes. Nods built into the metal casing of the artwork emit a gentle spray of water, so that as time passes, the artwork is enveloped within a cloud of vapor.
Under the illumination of LED lights, the combination of elements presents a dreamy moon, floating on the surface of the water.