在藝術家眼中,夢,是現在進行式而非未來式。夢想的內容常與現實交錯,人們可以在夢想中改變現實,也可以在現實中成就夢想。搭配今年的生肖,他在鹽水老街的主要入口 處,將夢想像成一隻隻認真又不失可愛的小豬,正努力的堆羅漢,正如夢想需要一層層的努力建築。
This dream resides in the present, not in a future paradigm.
The dream pigs are stacked on top of one another, like
dreams within dreams. Life itself can often feel like a dream,
when the content of the dreamscape intermingles with waking
reality. Sometimes our reality evolves due of the content of
our dreams. Can we dream together? As our imaginations
entwine, perhaps we can co-create our reality like a dream.