這一件法國團隊Pitaya的藝術裝置搭建在曲橋之上,再順其自然不過。順著橋體平行中亦有轉折的建築結構,藝術家讓鳥的飛翔築起一道光的軌跡,像是搭起一座逐格動畫的鵲 橋,塑造出充滿電影場景感的畫面。裝置作品的方向朝著場域最高的樹飛翔,也像是回到棲息之地。整件藝術品隨光呼吸,甚至是起飛了,領著來往的觀眾開啟一趟奇幻之旅,讓大夥兒跟隨著光的軌跡,一起窺探這座秘境。
The art installation designed by French team Pitaya, has been installed near the Bridge. The glowing iridescent birds are positioned in a sequence, from atop the water, along the parallel structure of the bridge, and up into the adjacent tree, creating a lifelike tableau. The whole scene comes alive as the birds appear to flow towards the trees, creating for the audience the sense that they are returning home to the safety their hidden resting place.