詼諧的營造電腦像素居家場景,我們將以保特瓶一支為單位來數碼像素模擬拼製家具。利用它的透光性及折射結合LED 燈光製做出閃亮的亮晶晶家具。現代數位呼應在地歷史時 光,新與舊的結合。讓這場輕鬆的視覺饗宴邀請民眾來鹽水作客
Humorous to create a computer pixel home scene, we will use the Plastic bottle as a unit to digital pixel simulation of furniture. Using its light transmission and refraction combined with LED lighting to make shiny sparkling furniture. Simple digital technology echoes the historical period of the land, combining old and new . Let this relaxed visual feast invite the people to be guests.