巴西新媒體藝術家VJ Suave遠道而來,以移動式投影、充滿童趣的圖案,奔跑在月津港公園裡, 吸引大小朋友的目光。這件作品製作時,是以事先舉行工作坊的方式,邀請鹽水在地居民一起參與,畫出屬於小鎮的 特殊回憶,同心協力、一起完成這件專屬鹽水的作品。接著,在燈節期間的夜晚,藝術家踏上 裝載移動式投影設備的腳踏車,以精彩豐富的內容邀請大眾前來置身於美麗的氣氛之中,也與民眾一同冒險, 藉著光,感受鹽水小鎮風情。
Brazilian new media artists bring mobile projections, and children's patterns run in the Yuejin Port Park, attracting the attention of friends of all sizes. The rich and rich artistic content invites the public to come in a beautiful atmosphere. In the production of the work, the local residents will be invited to participate in the workshop to draw special memories belonging to the town. Work together to complete this piece of salt water. In the dark, the artist set foot on the mobile projection bike and took the people together to venture through the light and feel the salt town.