(Puppet)搖滾樂隊隆重登場。樂團名「The Froggs」源自知名樂團「The Troggs」,但剛巧古鹽水八景之一是「月池蛙鼓」。這組來自法國的藝術團隊,運用數位科技遙控高達56位「燈管人」的燈光明
滅與律動,呈現7位樂手演奏的動態,專屬音樂家並特別創作配樂。演奏時,觀眾還能在岸邊操作互動控台, 選擇音樂風格、獨奏╱重奏,或是將有趣橋段置入音樂中,與樂團一起演出。歡迎您來同奏!
*補充 The FROGGS 由來
It’s sounds rock. It is a reference to a famous band called The Troggs.
Light puppets play music on stage like a real rock band. Working with the principle of movement decomposition, 56 puppets represent 7 musicians key frames. During the concert, the audience can interact with the music and the show. A control desk is set up on the riverside and visitors can select a music style, send solos and also play music, using sampling.