當「光」自己作為主角,照明不再只有功能,光會想要傳達什麼呢?藝術家團隊先理解了鹽水的歷史沿革與月津港畔土地的利用與生活型態 ,再以 「光影」為核心,重新詮釋作品與在地文化的關係。除了將河岸兩旁之樹有層次的打 亮, 也以光的律動使觀著找到行走的方向。並藉由投射的方式, 讓人重新認識環境的各種可能。透過光來營造四季,尤其以人造光的景觀重塑地方印象,不僅保護原有的面貌,亦營造出更豐富的視覺體驗。
When "light" is the focal point, lighting is no longer just functional, it becomes the protagonist in the story. But what does this light seek to convey? Transforming light bonces off the riverside trees, breathing life into the surrounding landscape. Different colours embody different seasons, from the cool white of winter to the coral pink of spring. This artwork transforms the nighttime scenery into a panorama of colour, transporting the audience through a journey of four seasons.