「更好」是生命活動中的追求與成長。 「更好」是生命延續演化的挑戰與想像。 「禹禹」藝術團隊長年參與本燈節,系列創作經常運用竹,作品一年比一年精煉、驚艷。這一回的藝術裝置,他們再度運用竹材生長,轉化為人類生命的軌 跡:生活總在規律中建構,而生命卻嚮往從自由裡解構,在堆疊與交織中展現生命經驗裡的 記憶。作品內部的留白,則闡述眾人生命中的自由。致,那些曾經出現在我們生命中所有的人事物。
"Better" through the pursuit of ambitions and growth in the challenges of life. "Better" through the changing vision and imagination inherent in the evolving landscape of life. The Yu Yu Art studio has participated in this festival for many years, and their series of artworks often use bamboo. This time the team employs bamboo to represent growth and transformation in the trajectory of human life. The external structure of the artwork uses bamboo, stacked and weaved together to form a defined structure whilst the white space inside the work represents the freedom sought, as we traverse life's journey.