這是一件由民眾與藝術家真正互動而成的作品。首先,由 藝術家在當地開設社區教室,邀請當地民眾或訪客共同製作青蛙,初成品則交由藝術團隊進行構圖、再創作。整組作品以正中央的木平台為軸心,民眾與藝術家攜手打造、充滿生命力的各類紙蛙,五彩繽紛散布彎月之中,其間點綴燈光,相互輝映成趣。「隨呱呼吸」本身蘊含古、 今、未來三重意涵:「月池蛙鼓」是古「月津八景」之一,作品建構則包含形、聲、光三重充滿未來感的表現。
This interactive art project involves participation from the public. Inspiration is drawn from the poem “Frog Croaking Upon Moon Pool”, and reflects three time periods, ancient, modern and future. Construction of the work contains three manifestations of shape, sound and color. The artist worked with the public to produce paper mache frogs that are scattered along a riverside. As lights illuminate the reptilian troupe, we hear a chorus of voices, the harmonious chanting of the colourful frogs, as voiced by local people.