自然或社會中的許多現象常是周而復始,萬物自有其平衡的規律,作品試圖藉由光創造出循環不息的象徵。作品由直徑12米的環狀體構成,以傾斜的動態漂浮在半空中。外觀似一只鏡環,消失與融合在環境中;內部則是一圈光環,流星光順著圓朝同一方向流動,此起彼落地追逐前方彷彿永無終 點,形成循環不止的燈光動態。作品希冀以最簡潔有力的形式結合光,創造出境域、光氛、視象所共構而成的光之地 景,讓人隨光沉浸在無限的想像之中。
This artwork is a 12-meter-diameter ring body. The outer part of the ring is constructed from mirror-material which reflects it's surroundings, integrating the artwork into the environment. Inside the ring, fitted lights run in the same direction, creating a dynamic movement. The work is placed at an oblique angle, allowing the viewer to enter the interior of the ring to experience the magical luminescent atmosphere inside. Seen from different distances and angles, the artwork appears to form different shapes, like the edge of an evolving crescent moon.