「光電獸」是系列作品,它彷彿是切開現實的介面,以聲與光讓觀者從被固定的城市空間中,進入抽象的對話關係。 這一次的作品環狀包覆著樹木,藝術家並依據參觀動線裝設麥克風,誘使觀眾對著它發出聲音,例如拍手、講話或製造各種聲音。聲音透過電腦即時運算、轉譯為一聲響,接著觸發樹叢中的裝置,透過聲、光、影,讓觀眾重新審視月津港空間。觀眾不發聲的時候,裝置將藉由台南氣溫與天氣的即時狀態,轉化為不同節奏的呼吸情緒。
This artwork ponders the relationship between space and the audience. Light and sound are the medium used to generate the connection. Microphones set up near the artwork pick up various sounds made by the audience. The cylindrical body of the artwork is fitted with lighting and speakers, and as people interact with the artwork, it emits varying lights and sounds that evolve and change over time. Thus the artwork appears as a kind of interface that allows people to enter a dialogue with the city.