午夜夢迴你醒來,看著床邊撒了一地的窗花月影,是否也會想起遠在故鄉的至親?生於鹽水的「三台才女」黃金川,自東京求學歸來不久後,嫁娶至高雄苓雅陳家。遠嫁女詩人, 只能將思鄉的情懷寄託於月光、於詩句。
作品採取八角形體呼應鹽水重要地標『八角樓』。再取八角樓內三種傳統結構的幾何窗花做為黃金川熟悉的思鄉元素, 轉化新時代獨立女性婚嫁後思親的糾結。運用八角樓木質窗花細緻典雅的幾何結構搭配燈光營造與黃金川的詩詞,將鹽水的詩、美、與情都融入這個從外觀形狀到細節完全屬於鹽水在地元素的作品裡。
While you wake up in the midnight, whom will you remember and miss? It could be someone far away in the hometown or your family. The local female poet- Huang Chin-Chuan was born in Yanshui in 1907. She was a talent and well-educated female at that time. She even studied abroad and married to Chen family in Kaohsiung after returning from Tokyo. As a woman who is far away from her hometown, she only can remain her homesickness into verses and moonlights.
Our work adopted the shape of octette object to represent the important landmark of Yanshui "Octagonal Building". Moerover, we took three delicate and elegant geometric patterns of octagonal window grilles combined with lightings and her poems as a metaphor of an independent woman’s struggles, love and sadness between tradition and freedom new world.