親吻是人類特有的表達愛意的方法,無論是朋友、親人、伴侶或是愛人,各種形式的親吻將人與人之間相會時的千言萬語,化作無聲卻具體的行動。來自韓國的Sang sik hong, 以燈光和吸管創造出嘴唇的圖樣,象徵著人的慾望;藝術家認為,慾望和權力是強大的,然而吸管卻是物質結構十分薄弱的材質,它可以被大量製造,能夠隨手取得也經常被隨意丟棄。用吸管形成的吻,可能是永摯不渝的愛戀,也可能只是稍縱即逝的邂逅——回應的是人與人交會時的種種情節。
A kiss is synonymous with love. Kisses turn the countless words that people (be they friends, families, partners or lovers) have to say when they meet into silent yet passionate actions. South Korean artist Sang sik hong created the pattern of lips with light and straws, and used it as a metaphor to represent human desires. The artist believes that desires and power are forceful, while straws are weak in physical structure. The latter can be produced massively and are therefore easily available and disposable. The kiss made from straws could imply undying love or simply a brief encounter, which reflects various and sundry episodes of interpersonal relationships.