這件作品來自於藝術家所虛擬的故事:遠從宇宙彼端的F50星球,乘著光來到地球的是一架熊形飛行器——搭載著有如雙翅般的推進器,使它的飛行速度幾乎接近光速……光與速度一直是人們所夢想追求的極致,在農曆春假期間遠道而來的〈光之飛熊〉,象徵著人們對於期待相見的渴望。俏皮可愛的外星飛熊, 替月津港燈節增添了活潑歡樂的童趣。
Based on the fiction created by the artist, a bear-shaped spacecraft traveled through space-time to the earth from F50, a planet at the other end of the universe. The winged propeller allows the spacecraft to move near the speed of light. While light and speed have been the symbols of people’s ultimate pursuits, the work Galaxy Bear coming all the way from a remote planet during the Chinese New Year break represents people’s yearning for seeing each other.
The appealingly cute alien bear also gives the Yuejin Lantern Festival a lively taste of childlike delight.