長期以來台南地區都是以「台南小吃」聞名於世,如果能將在地美食文化傳統發揚傳播,運用創意繪畫思維來推廣與「再創造」出台南美食的真實內涵與品質之美,這將是未來可期許之美食視覺文創產業。在此次參展作品「美味眼神」中,我們設計出12種台南較富盛名的美食形象:1.家族團圓辦桌 2.喜宴流水席 3.傳統魚市場 4.香腸豬肉攤 5.官田菱角 6.爆炒鱔魚 7.七股鮮蚵 8.白河蓮蓬 9.本產牛肉湯 10.關廟鳳梨與玉井芒果 11.鹽水鹽地柑仔蜜12.鹽水意麵。
For a long time, Tainan is famous for its "Tainan snacks." If we can spread the tradition of local cuisine culture, and promote to the true tasty and quality of Tainan cuisine, it will be The future creative industries of food culture. In this exhibition, "Delicious Eyes", we have designed 12 famous Tainan food image: 1. Family reunion catering 2. Wedding outdoor party 3. Traditional fish market 4. Sausage pork stalls 5. Guantian water chestnut 6 Fried eel 7. Qigu oyster 8. Baihe Lotus 9. Local beef soup 10. Guanmiao pineapple and Yujing mango 11. Yanshui salt tomato 12. Yanshui pasta.