本作品命名取作品設置點、呈 Z狀前進的「曲橋」之「曲」,創造曲徑通幽的感覺。事實上,過此橋至對岸幽靜的寺廟「日月山慈德禪寺」與廟前的小廣場與草坪,也的確有通幽之感。藝術家將燈光隱藏在曲橋欄杆之上,行人走過即會感應、順勢一明一滅。這件作品是藉由燈光的閃爍與人的互動,暗示著路徑的產生與消逝。
The artwork is created based on the feeling of “twist” of the bridge in z shape and in fact, this bridge leads passengers to the hidden temple “Ci De Chan Temple,” the small square, and the grassland on the opposite side that really gives the “twist” feeling. The artist hides the light under the rails on the Twist Bridge and walking on the bridge, the passengers can actually feel the lighting and dimming changes of light. The generation and disappearance of the path is shown in the interaction between flashing light and its visitors.