Former Residence of Cai He-cyuan is the only historical education center that still remained in Yanshuei . It was founded by Cai He-cyuan , a prominent scholar in Han classic literature during Japanese colonial era. Mr. Tsai later collaborated with other poets such as Tsai Zhi and Zhang Shui Bo to establish Yuejin poem club in his school. Together, they composed famous collected poems, Eight Attractions in Yuejin, which depicted the beauty and prosperity of Yanshui harbor and the town. The scenery illustrated in Eight Attractions in Yuejin , was so vivid and elaborate that the poems become the significant inspiration for the artists who devote in Yuejin Lantern Festival.
One of the poems portrayed the field near Yuejin harbor was as tranquil as a rabbit that quietly looked up the placid moon. It was a famous attraction for the residents to gather here, waving to the passengers on the boats and admiring the beauty of the moon in Qing Dynasty. Therefore, rabbits become the symbolic features in Yanshui. In this exhibition, the artists equip a gigantic Uncle Rabbit, which brings a young brown bunny, casually rest in Former Residence of Cai He-cyuan. They hope to recall the visitors and residents that the romantic scene and cultural center were once flourished in Yanshui .