The historic Yuejin Port (Moon Port) was named for its crescent-shaped waterways. Therefore, to land on its waterfront can be seen as analogous to landing on the moon. To make landfall at Yuejin Port is to witness its former glory as well as the currently unfolding history of Yanshui. On the other hand, to land on the moon represented one of mankind’s most daring fantasies and fulfillment. Whereas the first landing points to the past, the second landing aims for the future.
Regarding to the site’s spatial texture, the old building’s atrium functions as a funnel that brings in external light, as well as a portal that links the building’s interior to the open sky. Consequently, the space within the atrium has the potential to house a work that reaches for the sky.
Lighthouses mark safe entries to ports and help vessels navigate safely. Yuejin Port, however, no longer serves its original purpose, and has shifted its emphasis to serve a landlocked township. In that regard, the lighthouse has taken on a new role, guiding people to the top of a tower overlooking Yanshui, enabling them to see the town from a renewed and different perspective. It also stands guard to protect Yanshui’s unique beehive rocket custom. The work builds on the internal structure of a beehive rocket fort to provide a new layer of visual volume. For a different view, one can even enter into the beehive rocket fort itself.