打破空間、時間的意識型態,突破傳統場域的框架,邀請觀眾走進參與作品,在這之中架起一座平行通道, 聯繫現在與過去,(O)的鏡面與背面的虹光相呼應,形成一體兩面的錐狀環光,讓觀賞者自由穿梭其中,藉由錯視的效果,探索地平線上共構的蜃景與實際的空間
Breaking the ideology of space and time. Break through the framework of tradition, inviting the audience to take part in to this artwork. Building a parallel channel between which connecting the present and the past. The mirror's surface and the backside of its' avision take concerted action. Forming a cone-shaped ring light on both sides, allowing the audience to experince it freely. With the effec optical illusion, explore the mirage on the horizon and its' actual space.