2024 月之美術館空間展覽|《無聲敘事 A Story Being Told Quietly — 邱宇晴個展》
|開幕茶會|2024/11/16(六) 14:00 (藝術家現場導覽)
|空間開放時間|星期二至日 09:00~17:30
註 : 2024/12/14後,配合月之美術館2024漫月美行動展演,周一將特別開放,且每日時間延長至22:00)。
關於《無聲敘事 A Story Being Told Quietly — 邱宇晴個展》
About “A Story Being Told Quietly” : Yu-Ching Chiu Solo Exhibition
不論是對現實觀的哲學探究、或是對個人心理困境的描繪、抑或是於疫情考驗下所產出的幽默小品 —— 這三個截然不同的故事皆透過無文字的圖像敘事手法與讀者產生對話和共鳴。邱宇晴將她難以言喻的抽象奇想,轉譯成一篇篇寓意深遠的寧靜敘事。
This is an exhibition about stories that are told quietly- without the use of words or verbal texts, but through images only. The three collections, being “Rabbit, Cactus, Accident”, “Lulu’s Flight”, and “The Wall”, depict three different stories all narrated in the form of a wordless picturebook or comic. They showcase how Yu-Ching Chiu’s silent storytelling interprets her peculiar and indescribable inner world, which comes into view as whimsical and contemplative sequences.
Artist / 邱宇晴 Yu-Ching Chiu
邱宇晴插畫|Yu-Ching Chiu Illustration
• Artist Website : www.yuchingchiu.com
• Instagram : @yuchingchiu.illustration
作為一名作者型的插畫家(Author-Illustrator),專注於連續性插畫(sequential illustration)創作。畢業於國立臺北藝術大學藝術與人文教育碩士,及英國劍橋藝術學院(Cambridge School of Art)插畫與書籍藝術碩士。近年於英國從事插畫創作與藝術教育,專業經歷包括:LDComics圖像小說創作計畫駐村藝術家、The London Illustration Fair (LIF) 年度倫敦插畫展參展藝術家、Pollocks Toy Museum 博物館駐點藝術家...等,並且在劍橋當地國際高中擔任藝術設計教師。作品曾獲美國3x3國際插畫大獎(3x3 International Illustration Show)、美國傳達藝術插畫大獎(Communication Arts Illustration Competition)、英國倫敦設計獎(London Design Awards)、英國AOI世界插畫大獎(World Illustration Awards)等各獎項肯定。
Yu-Ching Chiu is an author-illustrator who works between Taiwan and the UK. Being particularly influenced by whimsical and nostalgic themes, she creates sequential work with a mixture of digital and analogue methods. Her work has been awarded Merit in 3x3 International Illustration Professional Show, and shortlisted in CA Illustration Competition.
#月之美術館展覽徵件計畫 | #2024第五檔空間展 | #無聲敘事 | #邱宇晴個展