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2019 秋季展 : 藝術家創作 × 實驗與開創

月之美術館 ⌁ 系列分享 ❹ ─ 2019 秋季展 : 藝術家創作 × 實驗與開創


藝術家創作 × 實驗與開創
 Spearker / 梁賴昌 + Group B × 禹禹藝術工作室
❚ 作品 ❚ 登月計畫 ─ 津津十五號 ‧ 月津故事館
Artist /  梁賴昌 x【Group B】: 鄭乘騏、徐漢翔、楊閔棣、吳博凱、李軍坣、蘇哲偉
LIANG,LAI-CHANG with Team TUNG-HAI University -

― 創 作 概 念 ―

The historic Yuejin Port (Moon Port) was named for its crescent-shaped waterways. Therefore, to land on its waterfront can be seen as analogous to landing on the moon. To make landfall at Yuejin Port is to witness its former glory as well as the currently unfolding history of Yanshui. On the other hand, to land on the moon represented one of mankind’s most daring fantasies and fulfillment. Whereas the first landing points to the past, the second landing aims for the future.
Regarding to the site’s spatial texture, the old building’s atrium functions as a funnel that brings in external light, as well as a portal that links the building’s interior to the open sky. Consequently, the space within the atrium has the potential to house a work that reaches for the sky.
Lighthouses mark safe entries to ports and help vessels navigate safely. Yuejin Port, however, no longer serves its original purpose, and has shifted its emphasis to serve a landlocked township. In that regard, the lighthouse has taken on a new role, guiding people to the top of a tower overlooking Yanshui, enabling them to see the town from a renewed and different perspective. It also stands guard to protect Yanshui’s unique beehive rocket custom. The work builds on the internal structure of a beehive rocket fort to provide a new layer of visual volume. For a different view, one can even enter into the beehive rocket fort itself.
❚ 作品 ❚ 連成兔行 ‧ 連成巷
Artist /禹禹藝術工作室 YUYU ART STUDIO
― 創 作 概 念 ―

In one of the classical poetry, it depicted the romantic senses in which the tranquil field under the moonlight was like the quiet rabbits admiring the ancient Yuejin harbor. Based on the literature, the art team used the rabbits to symbolize the dense and busy crowd who shuttled in the Liancheng Lane in the old time. In order to represent the vintage salon lights which used to light up the alleys, the art team adopted LED light to duplicate the environment of “ thousands sparkling lights meandered along the harbor.” Additionally, the rabbits displayed in the artwork were the coopertion with the local elementary schools. In this project, we delightedly invited the young students to paint out their creativity and imagination on the rabbits. Through this project, it not only rooted the local culture in primary art education, but also passed down the history to younger generation. We hoped the native kids can also immerse into the fun and interests in local culture and stories.
❚ 作品 ❚ 光陰使者 ‧ 中正路立面
Artist / 禹禹藝術工作室 YUYU ART STUDIO
― 創 作 概 念 ―

Time breathed lives, space cultivated affection. Houses obtained their lives under the refinement and enrichment of time. Hence, houses are not just buildings, but the living organisms that protect and guard the members who reside in the home. Gradually, Taiwanese believes there is the fundamental god residing in each house and quietly looking after each family member. It has become the guardian of the family, the envoy of the time, taking care of the generations bred within the house. It has seen and got familiar with the personalities of the family members and watched them grow and prosper.

❚ 日期|02/16 ‧ 星期日
❚ 時間|13:30 - 15:00
❚ 地點|月津故事館 2F (月之美術館服務中心)
❚ 講者|梁賴昌 + Group B × 禹禹藝術工作室
❚ 人數|限定報名人數為20位
❚ 報名費用|免費
❚ 報名表單|請填寫表單進行報名 (若額滿表單將自行關閉)
◊◊ 分享會因時間長度約1小時半,
◊◊ 名額限制20人,
◊◊ 聯絡我們|
▪ 臺南市政府文化局文化資源科 李小姐
▪ 電話 06-6321350
▪ E-mail /
▪ 週一至週五 8:00~12:00、13:30~17:30


❚ 現正進行中 ‧ 展演及活動資訊懶人包 ❚
➥ 月之美術館介紹懶人包|
➥ 展期間系列活動|
➥ 展期間交通運輸最新版|
➥ 展區地圖連結|
❶ 2019 秋季展 — 月光之城
▸ 展演時間|2019/11/23 -2020/02/16
▸ 展演地點|鹽水歷史街區
▸ 每日點燈時間|18:00 ~ 22:00 (白天黑夜作品皆可觀賞)
▸ 全紀錄|
▸ 官方網站|
❷ 2020 冬季展 — 月津港燈節 : 海市蜃樓 Mirage
月津港燈節 yuejin lantern festival
▸ 展演時間|2020/01/18 -2020/02/16
▸ 展演地點|臺南市鹽水區月津港
▸ 每日點燈時間|17:30 ~ 23:00
▸ CF|
▸ 官方網站|
▹ 請大家愛惜展出作品,並保持環境整潔。
▹ 因展區皆鄰近當地居民生活場域,請放低音量參觀。
▹ 鹽水小鎮停車位有限,建議大家多多利用大眾運輸。
月之美術館 YueJin Art Museum
#YueJinLanternFestival #月津港燈節
#Mirage #海市蜃樓 #YLF20

【 月之美術館遊客服務中心|月津故事館 】
‧ 週一休館
‧ 開放時間 │09:00~17:30
( 2024 漫月美行動 展覽期間 週一不休館,並延長開放至22:00 )
· 地址|臺南市鹽水區中山路23號