取自《詩經》─ 蒹葭,詩中場景與會場相似,彷彿穿梭時空重現秦國風華,而作品就在河道中呈一「方」,巧妙結合古今。 不妨放慢腳步,漫遊於視覺饗宴中,或許傾慕的伊人就在水一方。
The work of art named by Shi Jing, the Book of Songs, early collection of Chinese poems -The Reeds and Rushes. Its scenes in the poem are similar to the scenes of the exhibition site. Just like ancient jinguo state reappeared in your mind. And it blends the past with the present by means of maintaining square form in the middle of the river.
Take a look and it is easy to discover that it can be square form from every angle you see. It would be a good idea to slow down your steps and enjoy it. Maybe you would find that people you adore is in the near.